Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fourth of July

Hey! So I realize that every entry should begin with an apology for not updating this thing regularly, but I think I'll just do it this time, then stop apologizing. Sorry...
Anyway, things are going well. I'm getting settled in just fine at my site, and travelled down to Lilongwe for a Fourth of July celebration at the U.S. Ambassador's house! Had a lot of fun hangin' with other PC volunteers and eating a lot of good food. I'm also planning to visit the sites of a couple volunteers on the way back to Chitipa, so I think it should be fun to see someone else's site and what they are up to.
I've been riding my bike quite a bit lately, as well as the normal walking/hiking, so I'm in pretty good shape now. I weighed myself at the PC office while in Lilongwe, and I'm sittin at a trim 170lbs., or as my buddy Justin put it..."back to fightin' weight". I'm going to talk with my boss here to discuss some potential project ideas, and should hopefully get some stuff going in the next few months. We'll see. Alot of volunteers are telling me about all the stuff they are trying to do already, but I'm just taking the slow and steady approach, and trying to find things that are helpful, but also doable. We have another training session coming up at the end of Sept. where we will learn how to deal with/write grant proposals, so that should really help get things going as well. I have posted some pictures on Facebook because they seem to upload faster there, so feel free to take a look. That's it for now, thanks to everyone who has called, or tried to call, and thanks for all the letters and packages. It takes some time, but I am definitely getting them, so feel free to send anything. I definitely appreciate it. Take care.

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