Friday, July 24, 2009

Last Day of Work

Well, I made it to my last day at work! I've been at HP for over a year as a marketing intern, and have learned a lot. It was a great opportunity I am very thankful for, but I am definitely ready to be done and hit the road on my motorcycle trip. I'm going to leave next Wednesday or Thursday, and will be on the road for about a month and a half. My usual moto trip buddy, Cole, couldn't make it this time, so I'll be going "Lone Wolf" on this adventure. I'm very excited to start a new chapter of my life and am really looking forward to traveling around the East and seeing old friends. I will update this blog along the trip and am looking forward to people leaving comments.

Now for my short Peace Corps update...I talked to the same woman yesterday to get a status on my Medical packet, and was told there had been no progress. She confirmed that PC has my phone number, and that it will be ok for me to take the moto trip. Peace Corps will call me if anything changes, or if I need to redo something, and I will try to get it done while I'm on the trip. She mentioned that they are almost through their busy part of the year, and that myself and many others with similar deadlines are next to be screened. However, if some kid kept calling me to get a "status", I would say something similar to keep him from calling all the time too. :-) Anyway, hopefully the Med Packet has no errors, and I will receive an invitation in late August, but I have learned when dealing with any government agency it is prudent to "hope for the best, but expect the worst". That way, anything good that happens will always be a pleasant surprise. Take care, and feel free to leave me comments...I do read them, and will respond to any questions you have. Thanks!

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